
Exam hacks

  Exam hacks Make a list of formulae (Maths and Physics) (Easy for revision) Underline the important lines while revising before exam Learn objective type questions first! Start with your weak subject Make a timetable Take breaks in between but the 5/10 minutes break shouldn't include social media as it disturbs your previous concentration. Learn some stress relieving exercises After completing your studies, solve a question paper and time it to know your speed.

Good habits of teenagers

  We teenagers have various habits, some good, some bad. But it depends on us. Today, let's discuss some good habits most of the teenagers usually follow. This is just my personal experience and I don't assure you that all the teenagers have these habits πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. So let's begin. Punctual to attend online lectures even though we may wake up lateπŸ˜‚. →  This happens with me everyday and I've even heard my friends saying this numerous times that even though they woke up a bit late, they attended the lecture on time, even though they were half awake . Following a routine. → I guess we don't have an option when it comes to this because our school, college, coaching classes, tuitions, etc actually make us follow a routine πŸ˜‚. Adjusting with siblings. → Younger or older we really try our best to adjust. Right guys? I think this is actually a valid point. Even I adjust with my younger brother all the time though we may fight everyday. Handling friends, Social media and stuff ...

Effects of books and films

  Books and films, the ones that introduce you to the world of fiction, right? The ones that fill your mind with fairy tales? That make you think that you'd have a happy ending as well? Most of the romantic books are fictional. And whenever we read the books, the characters are seriously glorified. Either the female lead is too weak or too strong or the male lead is too weak or too strong.  And the most important part, the happily ever after, no problems, no worries… That's how it should end in real life as well, right? Wrong! Though I don't criticize books for writing happy endings, I do agree that the reader's thinking changes a whole lot when he/she/they start to read. Talking about the films, the superhero. Damn. He's always supposed to be strong, right? The basic definition, he should be easily able to pick up cars? Fight really well? And that's what we expect.  But all of us forget that there's a huge difference between our imagination and the reality....

Study Tips

  STUDY TIPS: Tip 1:  Concentrate on your weakest subject or the subject you hate first! Most of us easily learn the subjects we like and ignore the ones we hate. Don't do this! Your studies include all the subjects so don't leave any. How to study? Tip 2:  Highlight the important points Tip 3:  Check the format in which you are supposed to write: Answers, compositions and mathematics problems. Tip 4: Underline the key words Tip 5: Make rules after noticing the similarities when you are trying to remember something. Tip 6: Use different colours sometimes to easily remember. Tip 7: From word change it to a visual concept. Like, make a cartoon out of it, draw diagrams you've created on your own, etc. Tip 8:  Make flow charts, tables, etc to easily remember answers Tip 9: Divide them into points Tip 10: Underline the keywords in an answer Tip 11: Change it into a song Tip 12: Use initials of the words to make shortcuts Tip 13: Remember the formula first and then th...


  Patience(n): Ability or willingness to bear, manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain, bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint, not hasty. What is patience exactly? Let's start with this point. I've written its basic definition given in the dictionary. But when it comes to our lives, what is patience? I guess the ability to withstand or endure or not being restless. And… Now the main question arises, is being patient a boon or a curse? I guess it depends on our situation and our perspective, right? I guess it's a boon as well as a curse if this quality is applied at the right time, then a boon, if applied at a wrong time, then a curse. Let me explain this in detail: If you are supposed to be waiting for someone, the person is running ten minutes late, then you should be patient. But if the person is running an hour late, if you are being patient then it's foolishness. And if it's related to your work, and your boss is running an hour late, y...

Nature and its effects

  "Nature: the one that soothes and nurtures." Hi everyone, so today, we are going to talk about Nature. The beautiful walks during the nighttime, the rush hours to go to school in the morning, the evening time when we go out to buy snacks, etc are the normal interactions that I've had with nature. Oh! I forgot about one interaction, now that I'm in college, the afternoon college visits which make me sweat and huff all the time. Nature is truly beautiful, not just in words but in the way we perceive it. I feel that we connect with nature in ways that we ourselves don't know. Your every step is connected to nature. The wind that calms you down when you are angry, the night walks that make you feel like you are free, the morning sunlight which looks like a ray of hope, the blooming trees showing you that you can always grow, etc. There are innumerable examples. Reconnecting with nature is a therapy which heals you from the inside. Your aura becomes pure and when it ...


  Friendship in itself is one of the most magical relationships in life. A friend can make you find light when it's dark, make you feel the warmth when it's cold just with their kind and heartfelt words. A good friend is a comfort whereas a best friend is a blessing. And gender doesn't matter. Friendship can never be measured by words. And can never be compared to family since friends are our chosen family. Talking about my very own friends, I've actually got a variety! Building friends, School friends, Extra Classes friends, College friends, etc and all of them have their very own importance in my life. My building friends are my childhood friends (my chuddy buddies literally!). And nowadays we've drifted apart but still our friendship stays the same whenever we meet them. This has made me realise that distance and time is not the most important factor in friendship but the memories are. When it comes to school friends, if I'm being honest I was a nerd and peop...