Effects of books and films

 Books and films, the ones that introduce you to the world of fiction, right? The ones that fill your mind with fairy tales? That make you think that you'd have a happy ending as well?

Most of the romantic books are fictional. And whenever we read the books, the characters are seriously glorified. Either the female lead is too weak or too strong or the male lead is too weak or too strong. 

And the most important part, the happily ever after, no problems, no worries… That's how it should end in real life as well, right? Wrong! Though I don't criticize books for writing happy endings, I do agree that the reader's thinking changes a whole lot when he/she/they start to read.

Talking about the films, the superhero. Damn. He's always supposed to be strong, right? The basic definition, he should be easily able to pick up cars? Fight really well? And that's what we expect. 

But all of us forget that there's a huge difference between our imagination and the reality.

Many of us, when it comes to the lead characters think that it's right to kiss if he loves her, without asking for her permission. Though if another boy tried to kiss the same female lead, we may find it wrong. Am I right?

This is what I'm talking about! We don't find a toxic relationship as toxic when we see a film or read about it. But what about your expectations in real life?

People are not perfect! 

Thinking about having a perfect relationship is the way you lead it to destruction.

And in some way or another, thinking about a perfect relationship, you manage to avoid the obvious signs. You may even land up in a wrong relationship. So, it's necessary to keep a line between fictional life and real life.

Read a book or see a movie to keep yourself happy. But don't expect your life to be like a fictional story!


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