
 Friendship in itself is one of the most magical relationships in life. A friend can make you find light when it's dark, make you feel the warmth when it's cold just with their kind and heartfelt words. A good friend is a comfort whereas a best friend is a blessing. And gender doesn't matter.

Friendship can never be measured by words. And can never be compared to family since friends are our chosen family.

Talking about my very own friends, I've actually got a variety! Building friends, School friends, Extra Classes friends, College friends, etc and all of them have their very own importance in my life.

My building friends are my childhood friends (my chuddy buddies literally!). And nowadays we've drifted apart but still our friendship stays the same whenever we meet them.

This has made me realise that distance and time is not the most important factor in friendship but the memories are.

When it comes to school friends, if I'm being honest I was a nerd and people literally used to stay away from me assuming that I was arrogant and it was a rough experience. I don't know how I am a part of my school best friends group of the six of us now. And they have always been by my side, never letting me feel lonely. Even though all of us are in different streams and usually busy but still try our best to make time for calls and meet-ups as frequently as possible. And teasing during those times is inevitable. Some bonds can never be broken.

When it comes to my best friend from classes, we just clicked. We seriously had so many common hobbies that it was almost impossible not to talk about it. Till date we meet too much (my parents always say that but always welcome her. I think they love her more than me sometimes!) But jokes apart, I'm extremely happy to be friends with her.

Telling you guys about my experience in friendship, what I mean to say is maybe friends may drift apart, maybe you'll have the worst fight ever but still the happy memories of your friendship may always stay with you.

"Friendship to me is telling each other that I'm there when you need me, when you need my support, I'll be your shoulder to cry on, I'll cheer you up during the dark times and I'll be the one to celebrate with you your smallest success."

Poem: Single step towards friendship

I remember feeling abandoned once

When you weren't by my side

The loneliness eating my insides

Never ready to bid a goodbye

In that dark time of my life one day

Somebody suddenly said, "hi"

"Can I borrow your notes today?"

And that's what urged me to try

Just this single step towards friendship

And today we are best of friends

Now the dark void is filled with light

No chance loneliness fends

© Maanvibhagat


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