

Ability or willingness to bear, manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain, bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint, not hasty.

What is patience exactly? Let's start with this point. I've written its basic definition given in the dictionary. But when it comes to our lives, what is patience? I guess the ability to withstand or endure or not being restless.

And… Now the main question arises, is being patient a boon or a curse? I guess it depends on our situation and our perspective, right? I guess it's a boon as well as a curse if this quality is applied at the right time, then a boon, if applied at a wrong time, then a curse.

Let me explain this in detail:

If you are supposed to be waiting for someone, the person is running ten minutes late, then you should be patient. But if the person is running an hour late, if you are being patient then it's foolishness. And if it's related to your work, and your boss is running an hour late, you still need to be patient. There's a huge difference between your formal relations and informal relations.

Now, back to the topic, being restless is something most of us need to avoid… but how to avoid it? Stop overthinking! A major point. The next point is learning to be patient, control your anger, try to think about something else, something you live to do. That'll help you for sure.

And when it comes to patience, the ability to endure, you must know the limit when it should stop. You are the only one who can stop your suffering but you need to take the step in the right direction.

And if anybody needs more tips on how to be patient? Feel free to comment.


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