Time Management


What is time management exactly? Just managing time? No, it's not just managing time. But it is adjusting your whole routine into those 24 hours in a day. 

Many people think that 24 hours is a lot. You should be easily able to adjust your time for all your needs then, right? Wrong. Let me tell you, I'm still not the one with the time management skills . But well, you can't blame me because I have loads of Assignments as my college started late.

Many of us face problems daily like, delay in assignments, totally stressed out, lazy to work, etc. This is something that happens with me daily. That's why we need to learn time management. And seriously, it's a skill to manage time.

Now back to the topic, how to manage time?

Don't you dare race with time, because it'll always be faster than you. Then what to do?

1. Learn how to make a schedule.

Yes, make a schedule but not a time related schedule, a schedule with your daily goals. For example, write a blog post, complete science Assignment, etc. Only you yourself can judge how much work you can complete in the given time. So, complete the goals accordingly.

For this, you can use a rough notebook at home, and paste the daily goals on a wall or like me, you can use a board to write the goals.

2. Avoiding distractions.

You can't forget all your distractions even I know that as I am a teenager too. But you can still try your best to avoid them. How?

Try sprints. Otherwise try individual studying or group studying but you'll most probably be distracted in group studying (from personal experience lolπŸ˜‚).

3. Don't multitask!

I seriously agree with this one and even if you don't follow the two given above, please follow this one. Multitasking stresses your brain out plus you lose focus on your main goal. And inevitably you spoil all the tasks or instead of giving your 100%, you'd maximum be able to give 60%.

4. Take proper rest and eat!

Never ever stress yourself without rest, food and water. Because food is life you know? You need energy to work. Even physics says that. :)

Without rest, your brain won't be able to rest. Even if your soul doesn't need rest, your body and brain do need rest.

5. Don't overwork

Once again, your health is more important than your work. Even your parents and teachers would agree with me. Overwork has severe effects on both your thinking and your physical health.

I hope you guys agree with my points and will try to implement them.


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